Are you doing shit you hate for money?

Here’s a bit of a vulnerable share into my business.

I was thinking to myself,

WOW – why do I have to do all of this shit that I hate in my business to bring home the cash?

(Like cold reach outs, inauthentic commenting and posting on social media – you know all the things that those biz coaches recommend that you do)

I journaled on this (as I always do with limiting beliefs). And what I realized is that

I only hate these things because they don’t actually work for me. They get me the wrong kind of attention and it feels icky and not aligned with me.

All of these marketing tactics are neutral. They are neither good nor bad. It is my perspective and conditioning that skews them one way or another.

But I also know that my path is a creative + fresh one. What works for others will usually NOT work for me. I am meant to pave the way (thanks Human Design + Gene Keys for this incredible awareness).

So I focused on what I love and what DOES work.

What I love (and what DOES work for me) is intimate connections. When people reach out and ask for guidance. When I do coaching calls or groups. Even live videos. In-person, and networking events. I LOVE these things. Because they work and they allow me to stay true to my values and build REAL relationships and connections.

If you run your own business, chances are you are doing things you hate. And some of them may be necessary (ahem accounting – but even your perspective on this can be changed to a positive one).

But take a look at WHY you hate these things. Is it because they don’t actually work? And if that’s true, can you drop them and add in those things that are more in alignment with who you truly are? And YOUR values.

Because at at the end of the day (although we all need to make a living), cold hard cash isn’t the most important thing. To me it’s connection, direction, + building foundations. (sounds like a rap song).

What’s most important for you?

Not sure? Come learn tomorrow when I am hosting a FREE event. 11am-1pm EST on zoom. This is a group coaching event that is limited to 5 people. Only a few spots are left so let me know ASAP if you’re in!