Living in confusion, doubt, & untruths

Let me paint this picture.

You fall asleep just fine at night. Exhausted by your racing mind, worries, the things you didn’t do right, didn’t do, or frankly, those things that just got fucked.

You wake up in the middle of the night to worries. Worries about money, the kids, your job, your spouse, and your health.

Your mind will literally find anything to worry about… even the chipped paint on the wall (Why TF is this important right now?!)

Finally falling asleep for a few hours before your alarm blares. Wake up bish… it’s time to do it ALL. OVER. AGAIN. 😭

Thought #1 – MONEY
Thought #2 – ughhh my body hurts
Thought #3 – shit did I just pee on the floor a little?
Thought #4 – I am so fucking tired
Thought #5 – why am I living Groundhog Day?

Instead of living in confusion, doubt, and untruths (unless you really DID pee on the floor.. then I can’t help you), imagine this ..

You wake up excited (after a full night’s sleep). Excited, happy, and curious about what the day holds. The experiences, the magic, the creations, and interactions.

All the synchronicities that await you.

You’ve got your own successful business. No one to answer to but yourself (unless you want to ).

You know who you are. You are comfortable with her. Heck, you even love her.

Follow this .. daydream. For just a second, I won’t tell.

Then ask yourself, how did I get here? What were the steps?

Write those down. Do them. Ask someone to hold you accountable.

Allow yourself to explore what it would look like to have everything that you want. What are these tings that you desire? <— seriously asking yourself THIS is SO important. Get clear on what you want your life to look like and WHY.

These are some of the exact processes that I use with my clients. To get them from sleepless to passionate about life.

I’ll be sharing more on my process In future posts so stay tuned.