Creating space with neutrality

I’ve noticed a pattern in my life recently.

I’ve stopped focusing on all the problems.

The “problems” in my life and those of my clients’. ((This made sense when I realized that I have the gate of struggle in my human design chart so focusing on the struggle is EASY. But it’s actually about choosing what is worth the struggle))

I put problems in quotes up there ↑ because they aren’t really problems.

They are illusions of blocked energy.

I’ve created them by focusing on them.

By allowing these illusionary situations to take my power. ((As if that’s even possible))

But because I allowed it and focused on it, so it is.

Even if it started from a conditioning, I allowed it to grow and become amplified.

So, recently I’ve been spending time pushing away from what I perceive as a problem.

Taking back my power from it (by admitting it ain’t real). And creating space for something more magickal.

That space is created through neutrality.

Through having NO expectation of how this “problem” should be solved.


Just knowing its existence is an illusion and telling the Universe that I am ready to respond to whatever solution, idea, or opportunity you may bring my way.


A deep surrendering.

Shit, that feels good.

This is manifesting with the Zero Point field AT ITS FINEST!

Anything is possible right? All the waves of probabilities are nothing and everything at the same time. Until they are collapsed by our attention into MATTER. Into REALITY.

I will only collapse that wave and create the reality that I enjoy. That I am excited to play with.

And so it is.

What problem have you been struggling with?
How can you surrender to it?
How can you play with the field?

Think about it.


P.S. – I am holding a FREE group coaching event on Thursday 5/16 at 11am EST.
YES, complimentary coaching in a group setting. 🤯 
Spots are incredibly limited (5-6 only) so email me ASAP to reserve a spot for yourself!