You are most like the 5 people you spend time with

Did you ever hear this saying? “You are most like the 5 people that you spend the most time with?” TRUTH.

Who do you spend time with? I realized that working for myself, I spend a lot of time alone (yay!) and with the kids. But I wasn’t spending as much time with successful women entrepreneurs who are smarter than me.

So I’ve set out on a quest to ask some ladies out on dates. We went out for coffee, lunch, or just chatted on the phone.

I’ll be doing some collaborations coming with with some of these women so you will get to meet them but for now here are some of the nuggets I took away from our conversations.

  • Even the Instagram influencer with 114K followers has bad days. It’s humbling really, we are all human. And yes, I did get on the phone with this amazing woman who has her own company, is a model, has 3 kids, and does it all!
  • Success is for the hungry. You have to willing to hustle and fail. Pitching yourself, your business, your ideas, anything …
  • Social media is full of liars. People are NOT as successful, happy, rich, abundant, or fun as they look on social media. They’re just not.
  • No matter how much shadow work you do, there will ALWAYS be more to take you to the next level in life. <— THIS. Do your shadow work if you want to step up and be better.
  • Even the uber successful need someone to talk to. Expressing yourself to someone else (even if it’s a stranger) is sacred. It’s clearing, cleansing, and powerful. Hearing yourself talk can provide incredible insights and aha moments.
  • You must have a powerful WHY. I met a woman who owns a gluten free, dairy free food shelter in Plymouth Meeting. The story about her daughter and other children who fell ill and couldn’t afford GF food was incredible. Her WHY was so powerful that it fuels her every single day to make a difference. Check out The Rachel Way.
  • The future is female.
  • Follow passion. What you commit to doing day in and day out will churn results in a much bigger way if you are passionate about what you do. People feel energy. If you are only doing it for the money, your people will feel it! Whatever you are doing must really turn you on.
  • Mentorship is CRUCIAL. Get a coach, a mentor, a consultant, an advisor. Someone to point out how far you have come and keep you on track for getting even further.
  • Get a human design reading!
  • Sacrifice is necessary. Long nights, early mornings, missed time with the family, missed nights out with the girls. You CAN have it all. But probably not in the beginning. Success means sacrifice (for many – not most – this is a belief). You have to be willing to do the hard work even if it means FOMO.
  • It takes a village. Good friends, coaches, family, clients, competitors, your tribe. Find people that will support you when shit gets hard. And find those people that YOU can also support!
  • The future is female. Yes I said this twice. It’s important. Whatever goal you have … get out there and fucking SLAY it.

As I meet with more amazing women, I will post my takeaways and nuggets of advice. Stay tuned for more. In the meantime, check out this interview that I did with RKTWellness (Rebecca Thompson).