Genes v. Soul

I had the pleasure of chatting with Melissa the other day about Gene Keys, Human Design, and the power of doing your own healing work ((daily)). Some of you may know Melissa from The Being One Center in Warminster where she leads groups around the Gene Keys.

Melissa has an incredible story that I will let her tell you when I interview her LIVE in the High Vibe Spiritual Tribe Facebook Group in a few weeks. But for now I want to introduce the Gene Keys. If you have followed my Human Design journey, the Gene Keys will make a bot more sense. They are similar. Actually the Gene Keys were derived FROM studies and channelings on Human Design by Richard Rudd. If you want to learn more about the keys you can start to here:

I will tell you how they FEEL to me. Human Design feels very practical, earthly, third dimensional. It will help you start to figure out who you are, how to make decisions, how to eat, manifest, where to live, about relationships, jobs, etc… you know all those three dimensional things. The Gene Keys FEEL more 5th dimensional to me. They feel like they vibrate at a higher level and therefore offer more metaphysical information about who you are, where you are going, and how to transcend your shadow. I will say, I have not dove into the Gene Keys completely, as of yet. But I will update this once I do. Melissa told me how she heals herself using the different paths in the Gene Keys. She spends SO much time on her personal healing which has created a positive ripple effect throughout her community and family. MORE proof that working on yourself is not selfish. In fact, it’s the least selfish thing you can do. It’s CRUCIAL and it’s your purpose.

Melissa and I started talking about this and and about Gene Keys and about relationships. She asked if my husband was woo-woo also. I said no, and she said yeah that makes sense because of the reproduction that needs to happen with mutation so that we are not all the same (I hope I said that right). She said this “Your genes are lying to your soul.” The soul is looking for it’s soul family (always). While your genes have an agenda… they want to mutate and differentiate. The soul wants union.

So this got me thinking. How many times do you feel as though you are being pulled in TWO directions?? Ego v. Higher Self. Body v. Mind. Your body says I’m hungry, your mind wants to lose weight. Not only that but how many of you are married to men who are not woo at all? And while you love them you can’t help but wonder what it would be like to marry your twin flame, someone from your soul family, or even something who was spiritually curious? Are we contracted to marry our opposite for mutation purposed while our soul continues to search for true spiritual union? Are we set up to fail or to figure this all out? What a mind fuck.

I first had to take what she said and process it. Then I had to weight it with my own beliefs, values, and sense of self. Did this make sense to me? OMG I think it does. I often feel torn between 3D and 5D, between body and soul. But now what? I don’t know. I need to study and meditate on this and feel it out. I am writing about it here not because I have all the answers but because I want to create space for an open discussion. Thoughts? Ideas?