When you’re feeling lost + purposeless

THOSE days are SO real.

The ones where you wake up on “the wrong side of the bed”.

Those days where you realize it has been WEEKS or even MONTHS of “those days”.

And with that realization the sword seems to go deeper into your flesh.

Into your heart cavity.

When will it finally be my time?
When will everything be smooth?
When will I finally feel like myself again?

To which I would ask, do you even know what YOU feel like anymore?

I have to say, unfortunately, it is so incredibly common to feel lost and purposeless.

Those of you that know my story know that this is exactly how I felt just 5 years ago (and if I’m being honest, it still creeps back in every once in a while).

I “woke up” to my life at 29. Married with 2 kids and working a soul sucking 9-5 (I was an accountant..blughh I know).

I KNEW there was more for me. And I knew that my longing and desire for more meant that it was out there waiting for me to come look for it. To find it. Accept it. Embrace it.

My journey was long and tiring… ain’t gonna lie! But hey, now I can shorten yours by YEARS. No, but seriously, shit get tough. And shit gets real.

And what I have come to understand and accept is that if your shit DOESN’T get tough and DOESN’T get real… then you should worry about your purpose.

Those of us who are feeling those deep energies of loss, confusion, doubt, and loneliness KNOW it is for a purpose. It is meant to push us on to a path of healing, understanding, and love.

Because you see IT ALL STARTS and ENDS with the SELF!

If you are feeling lost and purposeless right now, TRUST that as soon as you surrender to those feelings and sit with them quietly, contemplating their mystery, all will be revealed.


(This is the flow part)

After acceptance and embracement comes the whisper to try something new, read something, listen to something, open your mind, and your heart. Go to yoga, talk to the coach, watch the video.

Allow life to reveal its wonders to you. One step at a time. And then sit with it. Give yourself the space and time.

And if you are being called to join me on Friday for my free workshop, I would be honored to have you!

I am holding a FREE zoom workshop on Friday 3/29 at 11am – 12pm EST. ((Yes it will be recorded – but you have to sign up to receive the recording))

ALIGNING with your authentic GENIUS: the 4 ways your genius is already showing up and how to gain clarity around your gifts.

Why should you care?

Your gifts are the SUPER POWERS within you. Once unlocked, your gifts have the ability to AMPLIFY your abundance, happiness, fulfillment, and magick.

I am going to show you my process for understanding and unlocking your gifts!

Yes, this webinar is 100% free but you need to register here!

This could very well be your next step into feeling connected and full of purpose.