I have a love/hate relationship with boxes

Our tendencies as a collective is to fight.

To swim uphill.

To complicate life.

We get caught up in what we think we want and forget to ask ourselves what we actually desire.

I realized a long time ago that I desire freedom.

Freedom in love, in play, in business, in travel, in exploration, in friendships, in my health.

Because I hate boxes.

Society inflicted boxes.

Even pretty ones!

Yet I am freakishly comfortable in them.

They are familiar.

I know what to expect. And I know what others expect of me in them.

Play nice + look it too.

But I have also experienced surrender to my desires and to the unknown.

The black void within (and without) us all.

The nothingness of which all new things come from.

Where each of our magick truly lies.

In our truth.

In our surrender to flow.

In the surrender to every feeling and desire we experience.

. . .

Sounds nice right?

And then just like that, we as a collective, submit once again.

“I will surrender when it’s the right time. When I am done with work. When I have enough money. When I have enough time. When my daughter is better. When my husband isn’t mad. When I am healed…”

The things we all believe and say when we are in THE box.

But here’s the thang.

Your desires, your feelings, your cravings . . . they wouldn’t be inside of you RIGHT NOW if they weren’t meant to be felt and experienced RIGHT NOW.

The Universe knows NOTHING of the past. Or the present.

Life happens NOW.

Life IS happening now.

Whether you are participating INSIDE or OUTSIDE of the box.

I don’t care.

Just stop waiting. For the right anything… other than RIGHT NOW.

PS. – I am holding a FREE zoom workshop on Friday 3/29 at 11am – 12pm EST. ((Yes it will be recorded – but you have to sign up to receive the recording))

ALIGNING with your authentic GENIUS: the 4 ways your genius is already showing up and how to gain clarity around your gifts.

Why should you care?

Your gifts are the SUPER POWERS within you. Once unlocked, your gifts have the ability to AMPLIFY your abundance, happiness, fulfillment, and magick.

I am going to show you my process for understanding and unlocking your gifts!

Yes, this webinar is 100% free but you need to register here!