what is your self sabotage pattern?

Something is holding you back and you know it. You feel it in your achy, breaky bones –  that you are just not living to your potential. You’ve tried all the things, the law of attraction, the self help books, the manifestation guides. And it may work for a little but eventually you fall off the train, onto the tracks, only to lay there like a beached whale waiting for something (or someone) to save you…again.

And so the cycle begins again. What’s going to be different? How long until I fall off the train again or breakout in hives?

So here you are trying to avoid having a flown blown anaphylaxis, throat closing, hive scratching allergy attack. And it ain’t the peanuts honey,  it’s you. You’re allergic to YOURSELF. To your mediocre, boring ass life.

You’re lethargic, overweight, unhappy, anxious, and depressed. (that’s just HOW the allergy manifests… sort of like those runs you get from gluten. The runs aren’t the actual problem, although they are a nuisance).

When you get those belly cramps, you can treat them to make yourself more comfy on the ceramic throne but you’ll just keep finding yourself squatting on that potty until you treat the underlying CAUSE. The root.

That is precisely what I am going to help you dig for! So part the velvet curtains, stage minions, the main attraction is about to seductively crawl in from stage left.

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