is it time to uproot your own life?


It starts with a slow boil.
Not yet ready for the pasta.
Slowly, the heat builds and the water rolls violently sending inconspicuous droplets of burning fire to the back of your hand. (Never – fucking – fails).

A metaphor for life .. but also directions for making pasta (because carbs 😋).

If you find yourself burning at the core with desire (and red fleshy hands) … your soul is begging for life. To be fed. To be watered. Not be nurtured.

Start with pasta.
Sprinkled with some truth, flakes of passion, and a huge helping of courage.

I mean, you’ve had enough, right?

“That’s it, I’m done”.

But how many times have you claimed to be done with a certain situation, vodka, or facebook? And yet here you are, again, back on the toilet scrolling through Facebook, sipping on a vodka capri-sun. Sigh.

So what does it actually take to make REAL, LONG LASTING change?

This kind of self worship: “I will not stay, not ever again – in a room or conversation or relationship or institution that requires me to abandon myself.” – Glennon Doyle

✅ Know who you are – do the damn work!

✅ You deserve better. But I can’t decide that for you – YOU NEED TO DECIDE.

✅ What does different even look like? DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT INSTEAD.

✅ Act. Take the first step – whatever it is. Before you are ready. Make it REAL and PRACTICAL. (Delete the apps, put up post its with inspo, chop off your hair and bleach it, go for the first run, don’t buy the chocolate, start writing, have the conversation with your boss/husband/fuq boi, follow through with the breakup, make a plan, dream big, write your goals on the walls, make a promise to yourself, hire the coach, make a playlist.)

✅ And when the demons come for you (and they will) be ready. Be vicious in your pursuit of your new life. And do not let the haters, the crazy thoughts, the bishes, and all the SDE get you down. Fight for your passions like your life depends on it, because it does.

[Sometimes the water needs to boil to push us to move]

Know this : You were never meant to be mediocre, stuck in a cage of pre-determined events. You are not a tamagotchi that society gets to control. You are you. Meant to be you, fully. Your soul is trying to communicate with you – to move you – it’s why it’s burning. It’s why it hurts. It’s why you feel despair, anxiety, longing. Because you are not listening to your own guiding system. But instead have your energy tied to a system that was created to fail us.

Stop abandoning yourself for impostors. Most people don’t know what the fuck they are doing. But your soul knows what she’s doing. Are you listening ?

There’s a passion inside of you that is like a forest fire. Will you create space for your truth and leave your too-small-life behind? Or should we have this conversation again, next year?




I am filling my 1:1 spots for the fall and there is one with your name on it. Working with a coach / mentor is one of the fastest ways to transform your life. You will have clarity, accountability, and support. Even if you don’t know what it is that needs to change – but you know it’s something – let’s chat. We should all be living with peace, ease, and joy.

Email hello (at) dannayahav (dot) com or catch me on social media.