the MISSING 🔑 to manifestation

I found it  and you’ll want to hear this!

Actually it was never lost so it didn’t have to be found. Just misunderstood.

So you know how you’ve been trying to manifest a million dollars or your dream home or that man with the 6 pack abs feeding you grapes on an Island?

Still not quite there? It’s because you are missing a 🔑 step in the manifestation process.

You’re shooting for a reality that is way out of your comfort zone.

OK, ok, don’t get your panties in a bunch. I know I always preach to DREAM BIG and I mean it! You absolutely should.


When it comes to manifesting you should be asking “WHAT IS MY NEXT STEP?” not “How to do I get a million dollars?”

If there is one thing that I have learned working with my intuition and soul on a deep level it is that the questions I ask are crucial. It is REALLY important to be phrasing them in a way that you intuition can answer right away and give you an action to take right away.

Because intuition works in the NOW.

Do not stop reaching for the moon. But instead of asking the Universe (praying and getting angry when it doesn’t happen) ask for your next step in the process.

Here are the energetics behind it:

When you dream BIG and try to achieve BIG from the get go focusing ONLY on the BIG goal – – your mind will find 10567869 different ways to sabotage you. It’s just too far out of your current reality. So when you begin to listen to that self talk, you create excess potential in your energy field trying to control the outcome. You lower your frequency with the negative self talk AND you lower your chances of achieving this goal because of how much you are trying to control (excess potential needs to be removed).

All you need to do is break up your big goal into smaller goals of the process. THEN consult with your soul and intuition about what’s next. Release the need to know everything and trust that it’s all figure-out-able.

That trust is SELF WORSHIP.

Great segue.. I’ve just added a BONUS class on Manifestation. How to manifest and create everything you desire for yourself. Once you go through the 6 weeks of the program, there’s no way you won’t be creating miracles Jesus-style and manifesting your dreams. But this bonus teaching will give you the extra tips and tricks to ensure you’re successful!

We start one week from tomorrow. You can join us here!