Reprogramming limiting beliefs

<<How to re-program your MIND>>


I was thinking this morning about how I could help you all learn to re-program your mind quickly and easily in just one email. Maybe with just one tip.

And then it dropped in.


Think back to when you learned a new skill or when you’re home schooling your babes.. you (they) need space to learn something new. Energetically and physically.

I’m not going to tell you to go clean your house (because that’s awful) but I will ask you right now to tune into your body ARE YOU EVEN BREATHING? And how?

Use your breath to create more space within your body to allow for a new belief to be absorbed.


Old belief: I’m not good enough –> this is a little broad so I would ask you to dig deeper and find the ROOT. It may be something like “I’m not good enough to start a business” but the root is .. “I’m afraid of failure because I don’t want to disappoint others”.

That’s an illusion. What’s the truth? You’re all powerful and don’t need to live for others. Your truth doesn’t look like anyone else’s therefore others’ projections should have no baring on what you do or do not do. You get to decide what is correct for you and failure or disappointment of others does NOT affect you because it is also an illusion that your wellbeing is affected by others outside of you.

↑ But in order to accept that truth into your body, you need to create space for it. Breathe, baby, breathe. And repeat. Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. Take powerful action from this energy and keep going until this has officially become your new truth and your reality has changed (it will – try not to look for it – just trust)

I hope that’s helpful!

PS. – THE SACRED SELF WORSHIP collective starts in a little over a week. If you’re ready to ditch all of those illusions, self sabotaging patterns, and limiting beliefs COME ON and join us! We already have 5 incredible ladies. And I am here to support you the entire way.

Some results my clients have seen:

** From anxious + depressed to happy and free.
** From overanalyzing and overcomplicating to letting shit go and allowing miracles to flow in.
** From single and lonely to secure and in love
** From crippling fear to making important decisions from intuition and creating MORE cash in your business
** [insert your desired result here]

So proud of these ladies and you too. For taking a chance on YOU.

You can learn more and join us here. ((I am happy to work on different payment plans with anyone if you are going through a hardship – just message me and let me know)).