Plant medicine ceremony, anyone? 🌱

Plant medicine ceremonies are ALL the rage, lately.

Why? Because they are fun as shit, can fast track your shadow work (like woah), and have the power to really inject potent MEDICINE into your body, mind, and soul.

They provide new perspectives, open up areas of the brain that were dormant, and allow you to clear the shit holding you back.

The one thing I absolutely LOVE about plant medicine is the clarity.

Clarity around what is real and what isn’t. You just fucking know.

I received a download a month or so ago which came in VERY clearly.. I knew it was potent medicine. I knew it was going to be the equivalent to planet medicine.

And it is proving to be JUST that.

This is my own plant medicine ceremony (without the plant..although you could add that in on your own).

It’s 75% channeled content that I have only shared bits and pieces of in my FB group (

It potent as fuck. It’s fast. It’s cleansing. It’s empowering. It’s going to change your life (just like Ayahuasca  but without the puking — although some people HAVE had physical effects).

We start 7/28. Quick + dirty.

This program is in beta. So I’m offering almost $500 off if you sign up before Tuesday, making the program incredibly affordable.

There’s no sales page. Or a cutesy name .. although I do like ” Trippin into the unconscious”. Anyone? Anyone?? Bueller???

Those of you who have joined The Seeker’s Society will receive this as a BONUS (yep, free).

It’s 12 weeks.
There’s a TON of support.
There’s videos for you watch on your own.
Group calls.
Workbooks + processes.
Meditations + virtual ceremonies.

Text me (or Laura), find me on FB or Insta (
Get in touch ASAP.

If this is calling to you in the least bit, follow the intuitive nudge.

