I got a great question about FEAR yesterday. Here’s my response…

 “Danna, I have so much fear around taking the next step in my life. I really want to start my own business but I am consumed by fear.” <– that was the Q and here’s my A.

Fear is a survival instinct. Therefore, it is a response from the subconscious. Which in turn means that is likely related to

2. Loneliness (division from the tribe, family unit, your old identity)
1. Shame

Yep there I go talking shame AGAIN.   But it’s true.
You’re full of fear of taking your next step (even though soul tells you to)  because…

1. You’re comfy fitting in where you currently are. Even if consciously you desire more. Survival is #1 for the ego, right? JUST. SURVIVE. Nothing in there about thriving. Fear is the #1 way that the ego can control its survival.

2. You’re mitigating shame. It’s human nature. We all do it. You think that being able to control how much shame you experience in your life will reduce your pain. But, joke’s on you sister. What you resist persists. So let go of past shame and start living from cause not effect (you create your life).

3. You’re waiting for a sign to know it’s right or for the universe to throw something super magical your way that will completely eliminate your fears. Now this, THIS is possible. You know I believe in magick. But.. and that’s a big BUT(T) .. you haven’t created the space within you to receive this magick in your life.

What I mean by that is that your subconscious will only allow you to receive those things that you most expect and that are magnetized to the strongest will in your subconscious. And if you are living in fear and in shame and in fear and shame of loneliness or separation from the tribe then you are only going to create more situations of the same.

And side note… if you desire it, it’s meant to be yours. Period. End of story. Now get the fuck out of your own way and allow it to happen.

Fear is a mind fuck. I know. But certainly there is a way out.

The way out is shining the light on these 3 core illusions. Letting them into your conscious life in order to alchemize them forever. There’s a process (obvi).

But step 1 is going AGAINST the fear that has been holding you back your entire life. Biting the fucking bullet. Breaking the pattern in one small way.

Here’s how…

If you’re ready to break your pattern and you’re ready to except your new level in life then it’s time to say yes. It’s time to say yes to a revolutionary program that will no doubt leave you vibing high and creating more of what you actually desire. It’s The Seeker’s Society of course and today is the very last day to allow these gifts into your life:

⭐️ $1000 off

⭐️ free coaching for 30 days

⭐️ That Self Love Life : my 6 week self love program (free)

It’s all yours when you join the Seeker’s Society for Self Mastery.

Learn how to apply and embody quantum physics, the laws of the universe, human design, the gene keys, energy psychology, shadow transmutation, magick, and so much more.

It is seriously the most fun way to reach all new heights in your life. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Find out how.

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Reach out ASAP if you’re interested in reserving a spot!





1. Apply for private VIP 1:1 coaching, here.
2. Apply for “The Seekers Society” 6 month mastermind starting 9/09, here.
3. Join “That Self Love Life” 6 week program to work at your own pace & receive support, here.
4. Purchase “Becoming Who You Are” on Amazon, here.
5. Join The Conscious Creator’s Club – Free FB Group, here.