Is your mind open or closed?

Raise your hand if you LOVE Human Design 🙋‍♀️

Great! Me too.

Aside from it being an INCREDIBLE tool for identifying your purpose, your energy, your strengths, and weaknesses, it is also a DEEP validation that it is quite alright to be yourself.

In fact, it is IMPERATIVE that you be yourself.

It’s what makes you different, it’s what helps you step into your power and your purpose.

But I am not writing you today to tell you how much I love Human Design.

I am writing you today to tell you about something that I’ve noticed.

I have noticed with clients and myself that there are certain practices that are better than others if your mind is DEFINED or UNDEFINED.

((If you haven’t done so yet, you can download your free Human Design chart at

UNDEFINED: in your chart the second center from the top will be white. This means that you do not have access to your own consistent energy here. You EASILY pick up and amplify other people’s thoughts. This is also your deep conditionings. Think about it.. it is much easier to put things into an empty box than a full one.

DEFINED: This will be colored in. You have your own consistent thought processes. These people tend to be overthinkers getting stuck in analysis paralysis.

OK, here’s what I have found. Those with UNDEFINED mind centers are more likely to feel NOT themselves. Why? We are in a society of over consumption. Reading and listening to everything. With an undefined center you are energetically sensitive to other’s thoughts … that being said it can be SUPER easy for you to internalize someone else’s words and energy not even realizing that it wasn’t yours.

While defined mind centers are stubborn in their ways of thinking and would really benefit from consuming the RIGHT things.

You see, both defined and undefined peeps should be cautious about what they consume. ((energy travels through screens!))

But I want to try a little experiment. Are you willing to play?

Is your mind defined or undefined?

If it is defined are you willing to stick to ONE high energy podcast to listen to all week and see how you feel? ((Use your strategy to choose)).

If you are undefined are you willing to create before you consume (and reduce consumption)? That means journal, meditate, check in with yourself BEFORE you consume anyone else’s information. <– reducing your consumption will change your life!!

Let’s play! Email me and let me know if you’re up for this challenge!


P.S. – we started That Self Love Life yesterday and we’re already having fun setting intentions, burning them, meditating with the moon, and discovering our truths. If you still want to join, let me know. I have something special for you. (email me)