Get on your knees

“Get on your knees,” she said.

“And pray.

Not to me (the goddess of light + dark. The warrior of love + war).

Not to some man in the sky.

But to your own spirit.”

“Show me the MFing way”, I say <– yes enthusiasm is a requirement.

“Make it so clear that I won’t get confused trying to decipher the symbols, the messages, the pictures. PLEASE make it clear.”

And my spirit responds…

“YES, but first you must take off your victim shades
your hat of limitations
and your poncho of illusions.”

“If you are looking for answers”, she says,
“You MUST surrender yourself to the call of your soul in the stripping of who you have become to create the life you desire and deserve.”

The sacred feminine showed up to me as rose. Beautiful, yet dangerous to our human minds and ego. She reminded me of those words I spoke (above) when I felt so lost and confused in this world.

Looking for my place.
Looking for my people.
Trying to make sense of any of this.

Even then, all she wanted from me was to strip away the layers.
To go deep within and find my temple of devotion.
To just spend time with myself.

↑ I am preparing to take you on this journey ↑

The one within yourself.

I think you are preparing too.

You will know, because you will feel the layers begin to fall away already (your body knows).
Relationships may feel hard.
You’re asking more questions than usual.
You feel you need a deep rest that sleeping for days won’t even help. You’re sick and tired of being sick and tired.
What’s a girl (or guy) got to do around here for some PEACE?? ((am I right?!)

I’ve got you.
We all do.

Is your soul calling for medicine? And antibiotic of sorts to increase your vitality, your vibrations, your life force energy?

It’s here.
She’s here.

The medicine of the sacred feminine is here.