Do you even know what you truly NEED?

You know that feeling where you feel like you’ve tried it all and it’s STILL not working?

Still not making you happy? Still not bringing you love? Still not creating the flow you desire?

Yeah I know it.

We hold on to so much emotion on a daily basis, unaware and unable to truly diagnose the real issues within ourselves.

For me it was the doubt, the confusion, and this hunger for more that couldn’t be satiated.

I tried going to college. I tried getting married. I tried having kids. I tried getting the good job. I tried having the soul tribe of friends. I tried making a lot of money. I tried being skinny. I tried numbing the pain with alcohol.

I tried it all. And (most) of it didn’t work.

Because it wasn’t for me.

I needed something that was aligned with MY energy.

(( But I didn’t know what I needed exactly. I just knew I couldn’t live another day without it))

My heart sunk one day as I finally had to acknowledge. . .It was safety.

I wanted to return to a home… within myself.

What I truly needed and craved wasn’t just a deeper connection with myself (although this was huge). It was the medicine of the feminine energy within me.

“The medicine of the sacred feminine is …
an unraveling
an undoing
a slowing down
sometimes painful
sometimes kind.

It’s patience.
It’s surrender.

The medicine of any Earth Goddess requires space.

It’s personal.
Carefully attuned to you.
Just you.
Here on your path. Your journey
of becoming the most powerful version of you.

It’s the medicine of the sacred feminine that provides you with the permission to truly be you through her undoing, unraveling, and stitching back together in perfect Universal harmony.”

I allowed this transmission above ↑ to flow through me the other day. (Like any good priestess would do).

And I realized, this is truly what we all truly need.

We all need to recognize the medicine when it is being given to us. And use this as a time of rest, recovery, and going within.

Because when we do, when we finally suckle from the breast of the sacred feminine, we can finally come home to our truest selves.

SO, obviously I created something for you around this.

You can check it here below. . .