why love and light doesn’t work

I may offend some people today. Just another Friday 🤣

Love and light is like second rate spirituality. It’s re-purposed religion. It’s a fake-it-til-you-make-it kind of mentality. Except you will never actually make it on L&L alone.

The love and light movement is spiritual bypassing. It’s using the most lovely parts of spirituality to essentially put lipstick on a pig.

Let’s consider for a moment what we all really want out of life. At the core of your happiness, money, and love goals is always WHOLENESS. To be yourself and still live an incredible life.

But what you are doing with the spiritual bypassing shit is ALIENATING certain parts of yourself even further.

Enter … shadow work! *insert evil laugh*

Shadow work IS the missing key of manifestation, to individuation, to wholeness.

Those parts of yourself that you have repressed as a child – through trauma, conditioning, etc… is still within you. It’s hiding. Scared to come forward and be integrated because it has learned that it is unwanted and unloved.

So throwing affirmations on top of this hidden pain.. putting lipstick on that pig is only moving you further away from where you actually want to be.

NO.. I never recommend affirmations to my clients BEFORE they have done the deep dark work.

Because the subconscious mind will reject them and that inner child will only feel more alone.

Dare I say that the love and light movement is (gasp) dangerous??!

Consider it. Next time you go to affirm over a bad day .. ask yourself .. what am I really feeling here now that I am pushing down? What “unacceptable” part of myself am I shunning? How is this actually making my more fragmented, drained, and disillusioned?


Food for thought on this Friday.



PS – I have ONE coaching spot available for someone who is ready to do the deep work and come out a completely different version of themselves on the other side. DM me on social media to chat about the opportunity. Or fill out this form.