What if nothing ever changes?

One of my biggest fears has always been that things will never change. That the situations I loathe will always remain the same.

I know many people have this fear of forever feeling stuck or disliking their life, partner, job, money situation.
So I want to explore this here with you.
it’s true .. nothing will ever change if YOU don’t make some sort of change.
Good news is .. you have options.
1.) you’re feeling bold af and are ready to take a risk and do the damn thing. Whether it’s leaving a job, leaving a marriage, hiring the coach and asking for support, or just comitting to trusting the soul whispers. This is brave action that results in big changes.
Note: the universe doesn’t punish or reward. The universe simply meets your energetic frequency where ever it is at. Often subconsciously. So if you haven’t yet explored the REAL subconscious desires that lurk behind the scenes, you may never truly understand why things happen.
Either way, bold action creates bold results. Deciphering WHY is about awareness and awakening.
2.) your perception. Your reality is relative to your perception. Just because you perceive something as negative doesn’t actually mean it is. Often it is simply a sign, an offering from the Universe to explore and play with what is showing up.
If your relationship feels like it isn’t right, it likely isn’t. But you’re still not ready to leave it. That’s ok. This is where playing with your perceptions and perceived reality will help you uncover the hidden gifts of the relationship.
Perhaps your own inability to surrender and release control. Or maybe it’s your people pleasing tendencies. Or lack of communication. None of these things really have anything to do with your partner. As they are just a mirror.
The fine line between making a change and staying in your own pain and suffering often comes with a jolt. Someone says something. You read something that clicks. You simply can’t take it any longer and your adrenaline pushes you to move.
If the will and desire for change is there, the opportunities are there too. 
Do you see them?
What would help?
What small change can you make within yourself today to facilitate the bigger changes?
I hope this was helpful. If it was, please share with a friend.
>> the desire for change taking you to new places in your mind space? Let’s chat.. the waitlist for my 1:1 coaching is no open and you can get on the list here.