What are your “gifts”?

If you’ve ever heard one of my talks on the Akashic Records, then you know that we are constantly playing out our records in every moment of our lives. That means that our gifts are available to us all the time. It’s not something that you need to be aligned with or something that someone else can activate within you. It IS however something that need to create focus and clarity around. And THAT is something that an outside person can help you with. But only because you have given more power to someone else outside of yourself.

Your gifts have been activated upon birth. You are born open, some remembering some not, but expansive, always. Your gifts are unlike anyone else’s, yet the same. You CANNOT compare or judge. Their physical manifestations are dependent on your own personality, your ego, your soul, what your physical body can handle, how far your mind is willing to expand to reach new limits. For some, like me, we have a lot of remembering to do and therefore books, coaches, courses are incredibly helpful and even necessary to being the mastery process. To begin the unraveling of our own power and soul gifts.

Your ego is constantly looking for ways to make yourself feel SPECIAL. And that is why all of the talk about GIFTS has triggered you. You want to feel special, different, powerful, all knowing, maybe even better. But you are already all of those things. Except better, no one is better than anyone else WE ARE ALL connected to a higher knowing to the Universe, to God, we are all one and therefore all of our gifts are inherently connected and we are all special and possess the same gifts but to different degrees. Let me break this down into 2 different universal laws.

The law of mentalism. The universe is mental. Everything is mental. Meaning we are all one consciousness and therefore have continuous access to that ONE consciousness (God or the Universe- depending on your beliefs). The collective consciousness is made up of my mind and yours.

The law of vibration. The law of vibration states that everything in the Universe is constantly vibrating and nothing is ever at rest. Which means everything is alike, except vibrating at different speeds. Think about a thermometer, hot and cold are really the same (temperature) but just vary in degrees (vibration).

So to connect all of this back to your gifts, If I am gifted so are you (we are one) we have the same gifts just varying in vibrations. Not better or worse, just different. You create the labels and the judgements, defining what is in your reality.

Ok, all of this is good and great but how do I know what my gifts are?

So I would ask you, in what capacity are you trying to understand your gifts? In terms of purpose? Your purpose is LOVE, SERVICE, FAITH. In terms of relationships? LOVE. In terms of intuition? In terms of career?

Let’s chat about that. In terms of intuition, there are CLAIRS. So ask yourself. Do you tend to receive intuitive information as….

– visions in your mind’s eye, like a day dream (CLAIRVOYANCE)
– voices in your head (CLAIRAUDIENCE)
– feelings in your body + physical sensations (CLAIRSENTIENCE)
– as thoughts, where you just KNOW things (CLAIRCOGNIZANCE)

Those are the MAIN clairs. Everyone is CLAIR-something. These CAN be developed. The more attention and practice you put on any of them, the more you will be able to develop them to a higher level. These are used with intuition (messages from your higher self), psychic information or mediumship information.

Now in terms of purpose and career. How can you help others?

Let’s look at what gets your attention. What are the signs you get? What could you spend hours and hours doing and completely lose track of time? What are you passionate about? What do please praise you for? And how can you do that thing with more love, compassion, and in service (meaning helping others and providing value to others)? We are in a time of fulfillment and awakening. Many people are no longer fulfilled with working mindless jobs and not making a difference. I get that. That’s why I do the work that I do. You have it inside of you to do the things you love. The universe has your back. It’s your purpose to do the things that light you up with love and in service. It’s just a matter of getting out of your own way to see the signs, take the opportunities, face your fears, and do it anyway.

As always, I am here to help. This is my magic, my purpose, my gift. To help you get back on the path off our soul. To help you clarify your gifts, your goals, your dreams. And then come up with a plan to achieve it. To tackle the roadblocks as they come. To understand failure is nothing but feedback, and to motivate you to keep going. To keep reaching higher.

You can book a FREE 30 minute chat with me here… no strings attached (unless you choose to attach them ;)). https://dannayahav.as.me/consult