The New Order


There’s a new order coming. Well, actually it’s already here. It’s a way of being.

And it’s going to demand that we change everything we know about how society works.

((We’re already doing it if you’re working with me in any way (FB group or email list included.)))

I’ve actually been channeling it the last few weeks. I haven’t shared because honestly I don’t understand all of it. But that’s my ego. And so I have been guided to share some pieces with you here.

This new way of being is different. It’s going to feel anti-climatic, unproductive, and your ego is going to freak the fuck out! MINE IS!

It’s a return to the feminine. To the sacred feminine who is nothingness, who is chaos, who is darkness.

This new way of being requires you to sink deep into yourself and look within all of your craters and crevices to unleash the wounds and your power.

It requires TRUST, SURRENDER, and FAITH.

Doing NOTHING in the face of crisis. NOT worrying. But trusting completely that you are being held and supported (we all are).

Practically speaking, I’ve been given codes that I am beginning to unravel. Codes for emotions that we hold deep within our beings. Codes for anger, shame, guilt, fear.

Yes, actual numbers (maybe this is why I was an accountant for 8 years 😂 🤷🏻‍♀️)

They have been shown to me as strings of DNA. Made up of those codes that have come before it.

My pragmatic brain just keeps asking “so now what? What do we do with this? How do we create more joy, love, happiness, money from all of this?”

And here’s what I’m getting.

“Let it speak” – let it share with you its messages. Allow it to live in your life and in your body. Not forever, (no, because it isn’t real) but for a moment so that it can truly be alchemized.

Have you ever had something to say to someone in an argument but you didn’t get the chance? And it’s literally all you can think about? And perhaps you want to call them or text them but they blocked you? Yeahhh… I imagine that it’s like THAT.

What I am being guided to ask all of you to do today is to let your pain speak.
Fully and completely.
Create the space that you need to make that happen.
And then… dance it out. Yes, really. Clear it out of your system by dancing it out.
Lastly, ask soul… what’s my next step.
JUST ONE next step. And then do it… no matter what it is. Even if it’s DO NOTHING. ((ESPECIALLY if it’s do nothing!))

Most importantly remember this: THE PAIN + EMOTIONS YOU FEEL ARE NOT REAL. AND ARE NOT YOU. Yes, I know they feel super fucking real.

But they are illusions. Illusions that you are not good enough as you are. illusions that you should be scared, worried, sad. Illusions that you need to do more, be more, have more.

The reason you are having this life experience is to understand all of the above and realize your true POWER. And step full into it without all of the illusions above.

“So remember, this isn’t real. But I once thought it was so I must process and clear it from my system as I step into this new order and new way of being and creating.”

I want to share more with you on all of this and I will as it comes through and I begin to make sense of it (and receive my signs around it). So stay tuned. And if you feel called, please follow the prompts above.