Small mindset shifts to shift your reality

You don’t need me to tell you that your mind CREATES and DESTROYS everything.

You know that. Anyone who has spent 3 minutes inside any New Age community knows that.

But it’s not just New Age jargon. It’s actually old age.

Around the 2nd century Thoth wrote the Hermetica. The Hermetica were spiritual, esoteric texts taken from a download that Thoth received in Egypt. What’s incredible about this text is that it is so similar to what many people teach still today about manifestation and the Universe. (I actually teach this in the Seeker’s Society).

Anyway, my point is that even the Hermetica speaks about the mind being the #1 law of the Universe. The law of mentalism. The mind IS the creator which projects your thoughts  into reality.

1. Everything exists in the mind (because you cannot know anything without it being perceived and processed by the mind)
2. Your reality (creation) is based on your perception (thoughts)
3. It can be said that your reality is a hologram of your mind (and therefore as you KNOW your mind you will KNOW your reality – Awareness)

I wanted to share all of that with you just to drive home the point that it is so crucial to have a kick ass mindset to create what you desire.

But it doesn’t have to take months or years. (which is why we’re doing it in 5 days with the FREE your mind 5 day social:

SO here are a few helpful tips to start changing your mindset NOW and creating a new reality.

1. Shift from “I have to” to “I get to” <– rave reviews on this small shift from the 5 day fun fest!

2. Everything happens FOR me. Nothing is happening to you. Start living from CAUSE (I create my life) rather than affect (someone else creates it and I respond).

3. I will do whatever it takes to have what I desire. <– believe it, own it, do it.

4. You are not your thoughts. <– I have a theory on this that I will talk about in the group but for now just know that you don’t have to believe everything you think.

5. I get to decide. <— you always get to choose to how react, respond, feel, behave. Period.

↑ ↑ ↑ Start putting some of these bad boys into practice today and watch your world transform before your eyes.

And if you want to learn more, come hang out. We start Sunday 9/1. It’s free… you have no excuse NOT to.

