Manifesting Workshop with Gabby B

I recently attended a live stream of Gabrielle Bernstein’s manifestation workshop. If you know me at all then you know that my love for Gabby runs deep. She is a light worker, a miracle worker, and a spirit junkie. As she is getting ready to release her 4th book Miracles Now, she hosted a free workshop for everyone who pre-ordered her book. I am going to give you a short overview (it was 3 hours) of the workshop here because she shared some really valuable information that I believe would really serve everyone on a wellness path.

You can get your copy of her book by clicking the picture below OR you can enter to win one from me! See info after post.

This workshop was a perfect supplement to my Guide to the Law of Attraction. Click on the name for your free copy!

Gabby was so beautifully vulnerable in this workshop. She shared such touching, personal stories that everyone could relate to. I’m going to focus on energy. She spoke a lot about energy and the type of energy that we all emit out into the universe. Because after all, manifesting isn’t about wanting it’s about being and our vibrations. Vibrations are dependent on our energies. Are you going to rise up with good, positive energy, or are you going to let your energy drop with your negative thinking? It is really up to us what energy we bring into every situation. For instance, shit talking (as Gabby says) plummets our energy and makes us feel horrible. We can’t manifest anything from that place! Often, it is our environment and outward situations that reduce our energies and make us feel sad. What are you currently doing with your experiences to not be the effect of your environment?  We have to start to live in the light with fleeting moments of darkness not the other way around. That energy is blocking manifestation.

So how do you get back to the light? Forgiveness. When you replace your grievances with forgiveness (as A Course in Miracles states), you welcome love and a higher vibration. Love, is the highest vibration you can send to the universe. As those who have read my guide know, it is our vibrations that determine what we manifest into our lives. Gabby says, we need to cultivate magnetic energy of being so when we are being we are also receiving. If you are in a state of love and acceptance, just BEING will manifest wonderful things to you.

The best way to shift our perceptions, fears, and hatred is through prayer. Prayer is medium for miracles, however when our prayers come from a place of fear, we bring about more of that fear. So change the way you pray to “Inner guide, thank you for reinterpreting this fear for me.  Show me the light, show me the love.” Then you have to reach for higher, better thoughts. Think the way you want to feel. Do what feels good for you and think thoughts that make you feel good. What you think and feel you bring into  your consciousness.  A Course in Miracles says, “There are no idle thoughts. Your thoughts are always creating.”  Start to raise the vibrations of the story that you tell. Are you going to bring your greatest or your worst in every situation? It’s your choice.

Use meditations to feel good and emit good frequencies. Use your breath and thoughts to feel good all the time anywhere. Gabby is a Kundalini yoga teacher and master meditator. She guided everyone through several really beautiful meditations meant to bust through blocks, eradicate the ego, forgive, and a manifest. Unfortunately, I can’t regurgitate every single wonderful thing Gabby said but you can watch the lecture yourself. I can’t recommend it enough even for those who don’t believe in meditation. If you want access to Gabby’s meditations during this 3 hour lecture (which was AHMAZING!), a free lecture on living a miraculous life, and an audio of the intro of  Miracles Now, you can order her book (link above) and send your receipt to her HERE.

OR YOU COULD WIN YOUR OWN COPY!! I WILL SEND YOU A COPY FOR FREE AND SEND YOU THE RECEIPT SO YOU CAN SUBMIT IT TO GABBY TO GET YOUR FREE GIFTS! WHOA!So how do you enter? Follow this link to my Facebook page. Make sure you like it, and share it! When I get to 100 likes I will give away a book! You will get one entry for liking my page, another for liking my Facebook post about winning the book, and a third for sharing on your own Facebook page.  Good luck!!