How to use your intuition to make a decision

I get this question a lot, and figured today is a great time to answer it.

Raise your hand if you’re indecisive 🙋‍♀️ ( I was)

Here’s why you’re indecisive:
1. Your heart + mind are not working together. Your heart wants and your mind doubts you can have it.
2. You’re used to getting approval or feedback from others. No shame in this game, it’s called conditioning but you probably learned that you don’t make good decisions on your own.
3. You can’t tell the difference between conditioning + intuition

Here’s how to make a correct decision (correct for you):

1. Realize there is no right or wrong. Each decision leads you to where you need to be. It’s perfect. Release the pressure. Inhale and Exhale. Relax your shoulders. Unclench your jaw. <– you can’t make a sound decision from a nervous nervous system.

2. Now that you’ve chilled out, close your eyes, move your awareness into your body and ask your question. “Should I eat another donut?”

“Should I join the Sacred Self Worship Program?” Typically I would help my clients find their human design strategy and authority for making correct decisions but since I don’t know yours, let’s go with feelings in the body.
What do you feel? Not what do you think.. but what do you feel? Focus on feelings of expansion or contraction in the body. Is the energy in your body rising? Do you feel alive or exhausted by the idea? DO NOT let your mind get involved. Yes, I know we’ve been taught to make decisions in a rational and objective way. Just because you were taught it, doesn’t mean it’s right.

>>Your body is a really important piece of your intuitive awareness. Do not deny its power. This is the easiest place to start.<<

3. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP! Do not skip this step. Follow through with action. Whether you got a YES or NO, act. If it’s a no, put the donut down and delete the idea of my program from your mind (maybe find a new one to invest in). If it’s a YES then do it.

**Here’s the thang … you’ve likely never made decisions this way. So yes, it will feel scary, new, uncomfortable. But refer to #1 above, there is no right or wrong. This is a game of trust. Trusting yourself to be ok no matter what. This is your chance to take NEW action that will result in NEW outcomes. Trust yo self.


I will leave you with that today. I hope that was helpful. And hopefully you received a resounding HELL YES for joining the Sacred Self Worship program!


Stay true + wild (in quarantine) đź’«