Creating more money

We THINK we want money. But what we really want is to feel a certain way WITH our money. So how do you want to feel? What’s your EMOTIONAL end game?

▽ Freedom
▽ Love
▽ Connection

Explore what you REALLY want out of money.

And then explore it EVEN more. Because chances are… even THAT end game isn’t yours.

It’s society’s. Your parents’. Your spouse’s.

Here’s what I mean.

” I don’t have enough
You say I need more
More money more money
More spice and more honey
But what is it for?
Remind me again…
How to fit into your mold.
Oh right.
It’s all about size
The size of my body, my bank, and my circle of friends + possessions.
I need more.
I need more to belong
In your army of sleeping giants.
Those with no power left for themselves.
It all goes to you and your idea of MORE.
I’ll never be enough, when more never ends.
Until I come back to me.
And here I know…
That no more is enough.”

Forget more. Be happy now. As if nothing would ever change.
Elicit those feelings you desire from money in THIS moment.
That’s when the miracles occur.