A reminder

You must have forgotten, it’s ok. I did too.

But first, I want to define a term I’ve been using.

Sacred Self Worship. What is it? And why do you need it?

I wrote to you yesterday about why Sacred Self Worship is important. But I didn’t quite get into what it actually means and why I’ve sort of made it my personal mantra.

Sacred Self Worship

what is it? and why do I always say it?

Sacred: individualized power. your special magick sauce.

Knowing who you are, your mission, your purpose, your talents, skills

loving yourself ALL THE WAY, all the time. Having your own back and trusting that if you created it, it’s perfect. NO MATTER WHAT.

NOW more than ever, it is critical AF that we learn about this.

Our belief systems have been rocked. Even if you don’t believe “conspiracy theories” you have to admit.. what you thought you knew about our government and the people who are supposed to care for us many not be true after all. 

It’s perfect timing. Even if that’s hard to believe. 

But we have spent years and years and years living for everyone else. Believing, like gullible guppies, what everyone tells us. Buying into what they want us to and making decisions for ourselves and our loved ones because “others know better”.

It’s time for that SHIT to be OVER.

It is time for us all to take our power back. Our validation. Our authority. You know. You always knew. You just forgot. You forgot how to live on your instincts. How to trust the whispers and the signs. How to trust YOURSELF over others.

How to light the candle of your consciousness and walk through those dark halls.   You forgot that you don’t have to believe what they tell you about yourself or the world. YOU GET TO DECIDE.

I’m here to remind you…
Of you power.
Of your authority.
Of your magick.
Of your soul wisdom.
Of the compass you hold in your heart.

It’s why I created a whole program around it.
Because Sacred Self Worship IS EXACTLY what we all need right now. 

It will likely be the last program you need. Because I will teach you how to awaken your own spirit again. Your inner knowing. Your authentic truth.

If this calls to you and you feel ready for a new normal ON YOUR TERMS feel into the words on this page: http://www.dannayahav.com/sacred-self-worship/

And if it’s still a YES, you can sign up right there on the page or contact me for other payment options, if you need assistance.

Whatever you choose, just remember to surrender to yourself.

To Sacred Self Worship.