5 ways to BOOST intuition TODAY

So, ya want to hear the voice of your soul a bit louder, do ya?

This past new moon, the ladies of the coven and I did a little spell ritual to increase the volume on our intuition and create more clarity.

If you missed it, here are some other ways that I continuously use to BETTER hear the voice of my soul, her directions, and advice.

1. First you must MEET your soul. Do you even know who you’re talking to? Who are you asking? What is her vibration and frequency? How does she answer, speak, warn? What’s a yes or a no? This will surely help. If you don’t know, now you know.

2. Do you even journal bro? Ok it doesn’t necessarily have to be journaling. But you must give yourself the time and space to listen (uninterrupted by TikTok) to the voices. Some people prefer to write while others prefer to meditate. Whatever your poison, just make sure you do it each and every day (preferably at the same time).

3. Act, follow through, do the damn thing. You will never be TRULY sure about what your intuition is telling you to do until you do it. You will continue to doubt, fear, and judge yourself until you do the damn thing. So just do it. Over and over again, actually. Because that’s how intuition works. It’s not there for a fun little convo. It’s there to MOVE you (yes, even if you’re a Taurus).

4. Commit. Commit to loving yourself and having your own back no matter what. No matter if you fail, succeed, get hurt, or die trying. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to follow your soul NO MATTER WHAT. And the only way you can do that is if you decide, right here and now, that you will love yourself through ALL OF IT. If this is a point of difficulty for you, try this.

5. Give up on PROOF. You don’t need to see proof to know that you are following your intuition. You just need to try. As soon as you focus your vision on PROOF you are showing yourself that you don’t trust. Just as quickly as you re-adjust your vision to the process, to trusting, to following — the proof will be there. Your job is to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Again, trust is everything.

You may have already guessed it but the fastest way to increasing your intuition and the magic in your life is by focusing on your Desires, Trusting the process, and loving yourself unconditionally throughout. THIS will help.