5 reasons you are facing resistance

AHHH.. fucking resistance.

“I want to do that. I really do. I want change. I just CAN’T get myself to actually do it.”

WTF is up with that?

Why do we resist the things that we know will bring us change?


I have some theories.

1. You have a limit to how much change, goodness, greatness, your container can handle. Unfortunate, but true. If you’ve set some sort of belief or expectation limit for yourself that BEYOND a certain point you are UNWORTHY of receiving more… then guess what… AND SO IT IS. Our subconscious minds are BRILLIANT. They obey.

2. You expect that thing NOT to work. So why do it? Expectations are GOLD. We know from Quantum Physics that a wave can collapse into a particle by observation and expectation alone. So if EVERYTHING is made up of waves of probabilities and your expectation is that “NOTHING works for me” then well… and so it is.

3. Your ego is scared shitless. YOU are motherfucking ready for CHANGE. You desire it, you crave it, and you can fucking taste it! So your ego (your lower energy archetypes) are flipping out. Your ego’s job is SAFETY. What you’re about to do is NOT safe to the ego. It could mean DEATH (in the very limited understanding that the ego has). And so any “scary” actions taken by you towards change are going to be SUPER uncomfortable for the ego. PUSH through anyway!

4. Whatever it is that you are doing is bringing up a ton of shadow, trauma, memories that you don’t know how to process (or aren’t giving yourself the time and space and resources to do so). This is good. SO GOOD. It’s an incredible opportunity to heal, clear, and grow. But YOU have to take the time to heal, clear, and grow.

5. You don’t want to do this thing you are trying to do. Let’s call a spade a spade. You don’t even want to do it. Am I right?? In some cases, yes. You don’t have a BIG WHY (more on this later), and because of that you don’t actually WANT to do this at all. Get clear on your DEEPEST reasons WHY. DEEPEST. Special training for this.. look out for an email from me later today.

Now, you HAVE to look RESISTANCE in the motherfucking eyes and ask that biotch what it wants!

Get real with yourself. And what’s going on in your mind, body, and soul. Dig deep! That’s the only way to move past these. Go back to my list above and identify where you fall in terms of your goals.

The Medicine of the Sacred Feminine WILL help you get SUPER clear on your resistance and how to move past it.

Her medicine provides you with REST, REPAIR, and REALIGNMENT.

Yes, she will break down walls + barriers.

But she will also re-create your life in a way that is more aligned with your brand of personal magick.


▽ Remember yourself + your purpose

▽ Get to know your own energy + inner workings

▽ Learn how to meditate, rest, relax, repair (mind, body, and soul)

▽ Tap into the Quantum Field of possibilities

▽ Reorganize the patterns of your aura and arcline

▽ Listen to the answers, the whispers, the knowledge of your SOUL + the COSMOS

▽ Find your next step in life, business, + love

▽ Heal your energy, traumas, emotional patterns, limitations, and frequency disruptors

These 4 weeks (more like 6 as there are 2 bonus weeks) will include:

Pre work – The feminine + masculine

1 – Stripping down: rest, repair, re-program, re-claim

2 – Find yourself + your SAFE space within

3- Why you are here + the clarity you seek

4 – Tapping into the Quantum Field of possibilities

▽Opening + ending ceremonies (zoom)
▽Shamanic Journeys to open the heart
▽Videos + workbooks for education + integration
▽ Kundalini Kriyas

Ready to jump in… payment plans + VIP options available here.