Starting over after a long Winter

The other day I found myself reaching for the muffins. How did this happen? My nutrition used to be so on point that I didn’t even crave sweets.

My body barely recognized what working out was after a few weeks off.

For me, it has been a multitude of things. I acknowledge that and I realize that I need to be back at full speed. Not only for bikini season but to improve my mental and emotional state. But it has been a long Winter so I needed some help getting back no course.

So here’s what to focus on if you’re starting over this Spring:

1. Nutrition: eat seasonal and clean. Clean means unprocessed. Toss anything that comes in a package. That means that on Sundays you have to to prepare for the week. Get your meals and snacks together so that you don’t find yourself reaching for something unhealthy because you are starving. Check out some of my Pinterest boards for recipes and inspiration.

2. Exercise. It’s crucial for your hot bod and for your mind. Those endorphins that are released during exercise provide a high that naturally improves your mental state almost immediately.  Start slow. A few pushups or sit ups. Then work yourself up to a walk around the block or a workout DVD. I am a huge fan of The Daily Hiit and Beachbody. Join a class or a gym. Figure out what is going to work for you and motivate you and then do it.

3. Hydrate. This is important. Drink lots of water to flush out toxins, hydrate, and improve digestion. I can’t tell you how much water to drink because everyone is different but make sure you drink water before your coffee. If you have dry skin, you need to drink more. If you have chapped lips, you need to drink more.

4. Sleep. I LOVE SLEEP!! But definitely don’t get enough. That’s what happens when you have kids. You’re body needs this so badly to rest and repair. You can’t lose weight if you don’t sleep. You can’t have a clear mind if you’re not resting it. Try to get 8 hours. It is so important. More important even, dare I say it, than getting that early morning workout in.

5. Supplement. Extra protein for building muscle, St.John’s Wort if you’re feeling down, L-Glutamine for sugar cravings, a multivitamin for glowing health, a pro-biotic for gut health. Explore your needs and then supplement appropriately with all natural vitamins.

Remember, slow and steady wins the race. It’s about consistency.