Divine Alignment Group Program






Have you been struggling with clarity around who you are, your purpose, your gifts, and what you desire for yourself?

Do you dream of a magical life with less work and more chill?

Feeling a lack of passion and commitment?

Have you been yearning for a life full of motherfucking flow and alignment, already?

Feeling disconnected from your power and your potential?




It feels like a warm summer day
One of those days where no one needs anything from you
One of those days of allowing a relaxed, warm, subtle connection between you and you
It feels like that golden glow of a sun kissed face

It feels like KNOWING who you are and what you stand for
It feels like ONLY doing the things you love
It feels like ALLOWING yourself to enjoy the magick of life

It feels like setting goals + achieving them
It feels like being supported every step of the way
It feels like LOVE.

It feels like JOY.

This is what DIVINE ALIGNMENT is ▽



Hi, I’m Danna

I’m a soul coach, metaphysical teacher, + priestess



I’m A Life Long Seeker And Knowledge Feaster.




My belief is that EVERYTHING starts and ends with the self.
It’s the purpose of life.
What I do is disrupt old conditionings and programmings of the self
and guide you toward your authentic soul self.
The person you were and are meant to be.
The one you CRAVE to be.




I have been going through this process myself and with clients for years. I’ve been researching, studying, and experimenting. I have taken the courses, hired the coaches, and done the deep dark work.

I have found that there is NO cookie cutter method to living your dreams. No right or wrong way either.

The Matrix (Society as we know it) is not a box that we all fit perfectly in. We are being challenged to embrace our differences and work WITH our authentic truths rather than against them.





▽Fresh channeled content
▽Deep soul coaching
▽Sacred meditations
▽Soul purpose activations


1 – Disrupting old programmings + conditionings + energy patterns that are within you. And are holding you back. These are the patterns that are directly plugged in to the Matrix. The societal conditionings that you are called to disconnect from in order to step fully into yourself.

2- Clearing + record. Reprogram your cells, your neural pathways, your thoughts, your subconscious, your ENERGY. Cleaning, clearing, healing, and re-programming. ((Kundalini, energy psychology, energy healing, journaling, and more!))

3- Current Alignment. Who you are now. Your energy system. Your inner workings. What is your current embodiment? What is the energy that is trying to come through? How do you sabotage?  Cultivating the feminine and masculine energies within.

4 – Downloading your truth, your purpose, your power. WHO are you meant to be? What is the code you are meant to share and spread worldwide?  Realignment with your higher self. How to lose yourself so that your truth can be fully incorporated into your being.

5 – Intuition development. What is your unique flavor of RECEIVING? How to tune in to your genius, your brilliance, your personal language? Connection to the Quantum Field of possibilities. Alignment with the cosmos.

6 – Divine Alignment. Daily rituals of magick, spell work, manifestation, and re-alignment. Finding peace and happiness in the NOW. Aligned manifestation and aligned BEing. Stepping into your new archetype.


▽We will meet via Zoom each Thursday at 11am starting 4/11 for 6 weeks▽

✮ A masterclass on the Gene Keys + Human Design (plus additional resources and a personal look into your chart)

✮ Writing As a Sacred Activation (workbook of journaling prompts)

✮ 24/7 access to me in the private FB group (ask anything!)

✮ 6 workbooks filled with pattern disruptions + sacred activations

✮ Meditations, energy healing, kundalini kriyas, and more.


















A final note . . .

Those beliefs are 100% holding you back from the prosperity, freedom, and flow that you desire and deserve.

You’ll feel deep within your soul if this is the right program for you.

Forget your conditionings about money, what’s logical, timing, etc.

Your soul knows the way.

All of the possibilities and probabilities are available to us at all times.

If we can only relinquish control.

And allow them to show up for us.


Trust that if your soul is saying HELL YES to this program,

that everything else will work out.

Trust and take action toward alignment.

Toward your future.

Toward our collective future of CREATORSHIP.

Once you give yourself the PERMISSION and say HELL YES to who you truly are and all of your power, others will step forward as well.

So you see, we need you.


To step up and step IN to your purpose.

And guide the way for everyone who is watching.